Next Expansion AA's

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Re: Next Expansion AA's

Post by naltena »

bluejaye wrote:finishing blow for pet would be cool. i always have the worst mana issues when i have to nuke to kill.

i know it's not an aa, but mod rods working for endurance has been asked for by some friends of mine.

aa to entend the timer on the siphon line of spells. 17 minutes is better than 6 (still 94 so haven't tried the voa one yet), but this is the mana regen buff that tends to drop most for me. while i'm thinking of it, any chance we can get it so the nec mana regen buff doesn't overwrite this? i group with a nec a lot that cast her mana buff very inconsistently, so i siphon all the time when she forgets only to have it be overwritten again. with some improvements, siphon might be the a good candidate for some much needed mana improvements. or we could get a self only that beats the nec spell, so at least i'd be sure to get consistent mana returns even if it still conflicts with siphon.

aa to reduce the cast time and recast time of thaumatize pet, or possibly boost its return. i still keep it loaded and cast it a lot, but the timing of it is tricky. i often lose the nuke portion if i try to eek it in at the end of a fight, or i dont get into my dps til the mob's at 80% if i try to sneak it in after force.

i personally would like the mage unity type idea, although i understand the concerns with it. i'd put burnout, iceflame, and our aura together. it'd be awesome to put siphon in it and give them all the same timer, but i really don't see that happening. velocity has the issues pj mentioned, so if it is velocity we should be able to click it off. shaman get their unity buff at 91, when some of the components were higher level before that. i see no reason why mages shouldn't get this at 96.

i also really like the group fire core ability, or make elemental union a group version. would be nice if it works on dots as well. have it boost the extra nuke from pots. even melee procs, although i suspect that is going too far.

and to all those grant invis stone haters ... bah, i love that spell.
You read my mind! also I want the cauldron back I love it :(
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Re: Next Expansion AA's

Post by Darkenr »

It's kind of saddening to see that our focus has gotten so far away from increasing the strength of our pets. We keep getting further and further away from some of our core dps coming from our pets because of so much focus being put on us as casters instead.

What I'd like to see personally is more dps strength from our pets. I think the biggest AA we could benefit from for our pets right now is to get a "Veteran's Wrath" line for our pets. I'd like to see the melee crits from our pets to have as much damage potential from a crit that a player character has, or at least close. That would alleviate a good portion of the issue with our pet dps, and also help things along in regards to the overall dps issues we have. Also, it'd be nice to have a lower level req on the AA line as well so people can benefit from it without having to be 96-100 for the next expansion. Say maybe start the line at 75+ or 85 max.
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Re: Next Expansion AA's

Post by Summerfrost »

i think the real reason most the issues occur is because most of the mages have no problem and are the best at soloing, BUT we need raid dps. they are linked and is why these discussions are here. we have to find ways to increase one side of it without going nutzo on the grp side of it. If my pet did crits like an actual player, he would out parse me.

I know another problem with mages is mana, i fight constantly at low mana on raids and group sides. maybe make an aa that caused our pet to siphon mana to us or and innate aa that let us get mana back when RS pets die or expire?

Companions Siphon AA 10 min timer, 3 ranks 9/12/15 respectively for a 2/4/6% of melee dmg done by our reg pet converted to mana for 1 min.

Magical Hosts AA , innate 9/12/15 respectively refund 6/8/10% of mana cost on RS death or exp

percents, ranks, timers, etc are were not made with any real correlation to actual dmg or anything, just a 'hypothetical'
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Re: Next Expansion AA's

Post by bluejaye »

if the next expansion is anything like voa, aa costs are going to be something like 15/18/21 ...

companion's siphon sounds sweet. i've started playing around with a parser lately, but its been crashing. still have some tweaking to do to run the numbers. a good goal for mana returns could be the aa mod rods. first rank returns roughly the same as a small rod, second rank medium, and the final rank as much as a large. this adds something to a mage's decision about which pet to use. mages who use defensive pets would have lower mana returns.

i'm wondering what impact it would have on magical host if the innate aa only returned mana on expiration of RS and not death. again, it would play into the idea that mages choose between dps and tanking.
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Re: Next Expansion AA's

Post by Nylrem01 »

Reluctant Benevolence for magicians, except for mana instead of HP. RB procs for 3k base heal, that is affected by all healing mods, AA, etc, our mana return one wouldn't, plus the ever rising cost of spells, so... lets propose a 4k mana return, same proc rate, heals all group members mana by 4k, each proc :)

And then, lets sell it to be on a different slot than MR/RB :)

RB isn't overpowered, obviously... or they would have fixed it by now. So, this wouldn't be, either. In fact, because AA, etc wouldn't affect it, 4k mana return would be pretty low.

Would prolly go a long ways to helpin wiz be where they should, dps wise as well on raids. They still prolly wouldn't be top of burst, but could probably be kings at the 2-3 minute mark, and also greatly assist that new, undergeared cleric that's always running LOM, put em in the caster group.
Last edited by Nylrem01 on Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Next Expansion AA's

Post by Fleiss »

Nylrem01 wrote:Reluctant Benevolence for magicians, except for mana instead of HP. RB procs for 3k base heal, that is affected by all healing mods, AA, etc, our mana return one wouldn't, plus the ever rising cost of spells, so... lets propose a 4k mana return, same proc rate, heals all group members mana by 4k, each proc :)

And then, lets sell it to be on a different slot than MR/RB :)

RB isn't overpowered, obviously... or they would have fixed it by now. So, this wouldn't be, either. In fact, because AA, etc wouldn't affect it, 4k mana return would be pretty low.

Would prolly go a long ways to helpin wiz be where they should, dps wise as well on raids. They still prolly wouldn't be top of burst, but could probably be kings at the 2-3 minute mark, and also greatly assist that new, undergeared cleric that's always running LOM, put em in the caster group.

I find this funny, while it would be fun, I can never see it happening. HP are in totally different ballpark than mana. HP are easily returned in mass and are easier to lose and gain. Most classes have some sort of healing ability or can buy potions to heal/HoT/regen hps. Yes you can buy m regen type potions or have spell thaat return mana but they are at much lower lvls and anything in mass usually has a longer timer associated with it.

Now real reason this won't happen. A lot of us remember the 250 m recourse augs and most of us had a set of three 200-250 recourse augs. This made it possible to cast our most expensive spells and mana meant nothing to us. These got nerfed. They are two expansions old now and the replacement versions are just nearing the 200 m recourse level and that is for a 2H weapon, not an aug. Augs are still 90 mana returned. You are saying to give us a 4K mana return proc, lol. Those augs didnt proc every time and kept us full mana along with our other tools, just like this wouldn't proc everytime. Mana would become useless to us with a 4K recourse. You could run all day on 25K mana (probably less), which any mage who is 95+ will have unless they are nekkid. Maybe the idea is okay but returns would probably be like 100, maybe 150 if it is a grp version and had stacking issues. Plus they would need to give us another aura slot which personally with all the clickies out there I think they should expand it to 3 or 4 for all classes via AA purchase. Overall I don't see it happening though. And it sounds more like something a chanter would get versus a mage. They already have a m regen aura, not anywhere close to this.
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Re: Next Expansion AA's

Post by Piemastaj »

We asked for a mana return aura about 2ish months ago when I sent off our AA list. We alrdy give back mana via rods, so it makes sense and it would be helpful to all mana users. However, asking for 4k mana is a great way to not get it.

Most of the logical ideas in this thread have been sent off also.

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Re: Next Expansion AA's

Post by Potawatomi »

Can we get a list of what you or whoever sent off?
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Re: Next Expansion AA's

Post by Piemastaj »

These are from May 6th. I added a few others that I sent off aswell, after May 6th.

Self only Evac: Pretty much explains itself, we need a way to remove ourselves from harm if a pull goes wrong or we get trained ect. Or for when our pet dies, when we will not be allowed to use Drape.

Frenzied Burnout: I would like to see Increase Chance to hit by 20% with all skills. Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 180% at least (Beastlords have 200% on this mod already). Possibly an accuracy mod on this, with a Bard pets top out around 92% accuracy, would love for this to hit 100%. More flurry chance on it also would be great.

Fire Core: We need a higher DMG modifier on this. I would love for it to be around 125 to 135% on our top-end. With our low-end possibly increasing by another 10% to make it 60 to 135% increase for the duration. We really need the top-end modifier, the low-end would be great but we can live without it.

Fire Core: Can we get Increase Spell Critical Direct Damage by 10% added to this line? I do realize this is on Vapor Core, but it simply will NEVER get used and will be a wasted AA. That or can you unlink Vapor and Fire Core so we can use them together? This is along the same lines of Elemental Union and Fire Core last expansion, we will use the best disc and that is Fire Core.

Elemental Union: Increase the low-end modifier to around 50%, and the top-end to 105 or 110%. Also need Re-use reduction AAs for this like I mentioned in my previous post.

Mod Rod: We got no new ranks of this in VoA. We are reaching 80k+ mana in VoA, and will likely be closer to 95 to 100k mana pools when the next expansion rolls in. Currently this gives back about 9% mana every 5 minutes, which is not very much considering spell costs. I really hope we can get this AA increased, to something like 15k mana every 5minutes.

Companion of Necessity: We could really use some re-use decrease on this ability. It only works on 2 mobs or fewer, and it is a complete blurr which also limits its useability.

Drape of Shadows: Can we please remove the pet requirement on this? We already have Summon Companion for pet aggro. We also need it to invis us when it drops our aggro, it is ridiculous that we need a 4 to 5 line macro for this AA to work properly. We got this back in Underfoot, it desperately needs to be upgraded/modded.

Gather Potential AA: We have the worst Mana regeneration rate of any int caster. Simply put this would go a long way if we can get 7k+ mana returned on this ability, with a roughly 15 to 20min re-use on it.

Divine Aura: Personal survivability tool. Plain and simple without a pet we have nothing to allow us to stay alive but gate. We could really use something like this, have it on like a 15 to 20 minute re-use.

Servant's Fury: While active, all servants conjured by the caster will do an increased amount of damage. I got this idea from Swift DoTs so to speak. A big issue is it takes us a lot of ramp up time which cuts into Burst DMG. I am hoping to get this AA to increase all our servants Damage out-put by 100% (or double their current DMG). Have it like a 1 or 2 minute timer, with somewhere b/t 10 to 15 min refresh. This would basically be like Twincast for our Garg pets that we have wanted since SoD. Can play with the times, but Mages would love to finally get the DMG we lose from no Twincasting our Gargs.

Barrier of the Elements: 1.2 mil Melee and Spell rune. Increases Critical Direct Damage by 150%. When this wears off it does a 20k DD to us. Basically like Ripo for melee, we need a way to take no DMG while being able to still cast.

Virulent Talon: This AA still has me stumped on its true purpose. IMHO it would serve us better if we changed it to a true Burn ability, or a true sustained ability. If it were to become sustained it would need to be something like 15k ( I am talking for next expansion here, not this one), with at least 60 counters on it, probably closer to 120. For it to become a Burst AA I am thinking 35 to 40k, keeping everything else the same.

An addition to Virulent Talon: I would like to get a chance to proc a debuff on the mob. When the mob has this debuff it increases Virulent Talons proc by X amount. Ideally with more Mages this will allow for more procs ect, less Mages less procs. If it were in-game now, our pet would proc for say 40k (slightly under double the DMG). Have the debuff chance set at like 10%, the Increased proc chance while the debuff is on the mob at like 3%. This should realisticly double the Virulent Talon proc, or even more.

Hastened Virulent Talon: Each rank decreases the re-use time of this AA by 1 minute. Get 3 ranks.

Mana Aura: Provides the ability to gain mana back as you cast spells. Casters are hurting very badly on mana, this would be a way to help us out.

Water Elemental Form: Necromancer illusion is currently 184 mana a tic and around 160 HP loss a tic. 75% of Necromancer illusion is 138 mana a tic. I am unsure how high you want to raise this, or how high would be considered OP for us but we would love to have it at 138 mana a tic, but would be happy with anything around 100+ though. Would like to say though, we have been dead last for mana regen among int casters.

Fire Elemental Form: Is there anyway to make it so we have a DMG proc while in this form? Similar to the nuke DMG potions, where it adds it to every nuke. Would love for it to stack with Mana Reiterate, druid Wild Fire, and nuke pots if at all possible. But if it has stacking issues with anything probably Enc/Druid auras because we will not always have access to those whereas nuke pots we can have access to them 24/7.

Air Elemental Form: I was thinking a 5 or 10% permanent spell DMG mitigation. Make it so it will not stack with Ice Core. Either that or give us like 10 resist over-cap on the illusion permanent.

Earth Elemental Form: 5 or 10% permanent DMG mitigation. Make sure it can not stack with Stone Core. If not that possibly like a 5k HP increase with around 250 AC or so.

Avoidance Disc: Some type of Minor avoidance disc to compensate us losing fortify on the harder fights.

Pet lifetap: Make it like a 5 to 10min recast. Does 25k DMG for a 25k heal. Possibly lower heal start if AA's will effect the heal amount to make it greater, my intention is to not give us our own OP heal for like 200k, but simply a patch heal incase things go wrong when a healer is down.

Servant's Destruction: Passive. Increases our Garg pet's DMG done by 2, 5, 10%.

Fairly certain I posted most of these somwhere here, probably not as much in depth though. Vora and myself both agreed on these when they were sent off except the last 3 (those are ones I sent off over the last few weeks).

EDIT: I posted this as a courtesy so Magicians know what got sent off. If your upset that your uber idea did not get sent off you can absolutely PM myself or Vora and explain why it should get sent off. Or of course send it to Elidroth yourself. This list is still a work in progress and can be added too nbd. However, we do not have time to send off ideas that clearly will not go in. In UF or somewhere around there they spent an entire Beta on AAs/Spells that never went in-game, I would prefer to not have the same error occur here.
Last edited by Piemastaj on Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Next Expansion AA's

Post by Potawatomi »

Thanks for the info.
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