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new AA's

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:12 am
by Redius
I realize that Elidroth may not even create any new aa's for the rest of the UF expansion; but in the offchance that he DOES, who (if anyone) is presenting ideas to him out of the mage class? I have no faith that Kozvar (who hasn't been online in over a month according to his eqplayers profile) will give any input to the dev's for us. Frankly, I thought we got smurf with UF; there was almost no communication (except for wire's unceasing efforts. Thank you Wire!) about our Spells, aa's, or anything else. From the beta boards other classes had 2 or even 3 times as much discussion about their spells and aa's than we did. Mages simply didn't have the influence to get a dev to read, comment, tweak, fix or do anything for our stuff. Things that should have been addressed, yet we never saw any dev words about them (think range on pet aura, nerfed aura, several of our spells being completely worthless).

My question is, WHO is taking over to speak for the mages. I'd vote for Wire (if he'll do it), and I seem to remember we made mention of that several months ago.

In addition, what do we as mages want to see for possible new aa's in UF part 2? (more host/servant, spell fury, pet flurry/crit/avoid/etc, summon elemental horse, staff block in addition to shield block, something useful done with our elemental forms, etc)

Re: new AA's

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:08 pm
by kharthai
I don't know if Elidroth is taking suggestions in stages or what, but the Ranger/Beastlord forums had a CL asking for AA ideas a few weeks ago, with the lists finalized and sent to Elidroth recently. (Haven't really seen a similar list on most other class sites, so I don't know.) Probably a good idea for you guys to get a list going though, and rope some CL into passing it on if the mage cl's aren't around.

Re: new AA's

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:22 pm
by Eanelder
I want a pet deaggro AA. And i mean completely, like fade. We can do it now already (/pet die) so I believe it would be more of a coding issue then balancing issue.

Re: new AA's

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 4:43 pm
by wire
Eanelder wrote:I want a pet deaggro AA. And i mean completely, like fade. We can do it now already (/pet die) so I believe it would be more of a coding issue then balancing issue.
They could just remove the restriction on suspend, so it works in combat. Or give us a high success pet feign. I don't see either happening.

As for AA's, there were several things brought up in beta, and I personally sent a list to Eli *before* our current aa list was finalized. No reply.

One thing I think we desperately need at this point is another mammoth increase to the damage modifier on Frenzied Burnout. My parses have our pet at maybe 20% of our total DPS these days, it's not even close to good enough given the amount of effort we have to put into maintaining it on raids.

If people want to brainstorm reasonable AA abilities (active or passive) that can be implemented without code changes, it certainly wouldn't be a bad idea, but I would say we have less than a 1% chance of getting anything new at all at this point.

But hey, don't leave out retardedly overpowered ideas entirely; take a look at the activated aa that necros got in underfoot.

Re: new AA's

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:23 pm
by Redius
My number 1 aa goal is to have our elemental forms actually MEAN something in the modern game. Right now they're useless. I'd love to see some way for them to be brought back as a way to differentiate us from other casters.

Re: new AA's

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 2:31 pm
by Glaven
all in all, our aa set wasn't that bad in UF, I'd be happier if they focused on fixing our spells to be somewhat useable.

Re: new AA's

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:24 pm
by Eanelder
Since our pet rune spell is unlikely to ever see another upgrade (its max 9 hits now?) Id like that to see that go to an AA. I know we have pet da, but an AA that mimics the spell completely would still be very beneficial.

Also id love to see Velocity (pet run speed buff) go AA aswell... or innate pet run speed aas. Summon companion is great to get your lost pet to you, but I find there are times when I dont want to or cant break invis to use it.

Re: new AA's

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:32 pm
by Eanelder
Oh ya ... a pet disarm AA which would remove any weapons are pets are currently using so we could swap them out for another flavor.

Re: new AA's

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 8:49 pm
by jack96jill
another rank of pet da to make it instant - 12 (i'd pay pay 12 anyway)

fix the pet aura make it pet centric like it should be, if the bastards had let me into beta like i was in the last 4 i woulda hounded the smurf out of them on this

pet centered ae :P:P:P:P:P or if not this, then necro mana regen capabilities will do just fine too, make it a rod, call it necrotic tuning fork - item description ' stick it to em '

Re: new AA's

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:03 am
by Elmago
I have an idea for making elemental forms purposeful: If you and your pet are in the same elemental form it increases the power of the pet, like a 1 tier increase in pet focus -- so if you had EM5, your pet would now be comparable to EM6 .... or maybe add/increase pet proc.

Another AA I would like to see is an improvement to our Renewal line of heals. Maybe a healing power increase similar to priest classes.