Divine Companion Aura:

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Re: Divine Companion Aura:

Post by Sillaen »

You are both pretty much saying the same thing, but just looking at different areas of the same thing.

We knew it was coming, aye. The fix is good, yes. SoE's inability to separate DCA from the other forms of DA is the culprit here. Fix the rest, leave DCA alone.

Personally I didn't used this on group nameds. There's no need to. I just used for those oh-crap moments when I get into trouble and that is now essentially gone until it can be replaced by something else. This means at my usual AA spot I have to be more careful. Killing 4 or 5 mobs at once now is a crap I'm in trouble, *GATE*, instead of a crap I'm in trouble, Promise -->*DCA* and try to push through.
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Re: Divine Companion Aura:

Post by Voragath »


[20184] Divine Companion Aura
Classes: SHD/254 SHM/254 NEC/254 MAG/254 BST/254
Target: Pet
Range: 100
Beneficial: Blockable
Casting: 1s
Duration: 18s (3 ticks), Extend: No
1: Invulnerability
Text: The gods have rendered your pet invulnerable.
Encases the caster in a divine aura, rendering them invulnerable to all attacks for %z.

Divine Aura (DA)
[207] Divine Aura
Classes: CLR/1 PAL/48
Mana: 10
Target: Self
Beneficial: Blockable
Casting: 1s, Recast: 15m, Timer: 15
Duration: 18s (3 ticks), Extend: Yes
1: Invulnerability
Text: The gods have rendered you invulnerable.
Encases the caster in a divine aura, rendering them invulnerable to all attacks for %z.

It is just an AA version of Divine Aura for our pets. The problem is that the community made false assumptions about an ability that was clearly a copy paste of something else from day one of being given the ability.

DCA is DA, thus inseparable, and the sooner mages understand that like PJ and I and a few other do, the sooner we can get beyond this and get the ability we wanted back in UF instead of this garbage.
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Re: Divine Companion Aura:

Post by Sillaen »

Voragath wrote: DCA is DA, thus inseparable, and the sooner mages understand that like PJ and I and a few other do, the sooner we can get beyond this and get the ability we wanted back in UF instead of this garbage.
I'm sure most if not everyone understands that it's just a copy and paste. What I'm saying is that it should not have been a copy and paste and their inability to separate the 2 still just sucks on their part.

I'm actually quite happy with Pie's suggestion to make it into a WS like ability.
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Re: Divine Companion Aura:

Post by Voragath »

Sillaen wrote:
Voragath wrote: DCA is DA, thus inseparable, and the sooner mages understand that like PJ and I and a few other do, the sooner we can get beyond this and get the ability we wanted back in UF instead of this garbage.
I'm sure most if not everyone understands that it's just a copy and paste. What I'm saying is that it should not have been a copy and paste and their inability to separate the 2 still just sucks on their part.
That's what I'm saying. How could they separate the two when it's the exact same ability? There's nothing to separate and there isn't TWO--there is ONE. It's DA pure and simple. Now, the argument should be like it was in UF: why did they give us DA for our pets instead of weaponshield?

If DA was never broken on pets, we would have had the ability we wanted a long time ago but we couldn't because DA was broken on pets. Now that the fiasco is over, we can move forward with what we wanted to begin with.
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Re: Divine Companion Aura:

Post by Vincentt »

Just because I like to revive months old threads ... and since we do now have an offline bazaar mode ... not to mention a buy from anywhere in the world mode ... pet WS should be coming down the pipes. Devs must have an understanding that it made the class more fun.

Fun = more subscribers! N'est-ce pas? Devs? Bueller?
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