NDA lifted

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Re: NDA lifted

Post by Voragath »

We did have one or two attempts at people trying to replicate the raid environment on arena dummies. It wasn't great but it gave us an idea and we didn't even come close enough to say, "oh, but in a raid w, x, and y will be on the mob with z class so it's close." We were so far off, it was a joke.

Interestingly, the bards have an aura that makes our pets flurry chance increase. If only we could pry bards from the melee, hell, it's not like they even NEED the bards to do amazing dps anymore...
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Re: NDA lifted

Post by Molak »

Soooo, its been raised in several places including the SOE boards, how do we get a new/extra class rep to help support raid mages?

Several good input mages on beta, my votes would be for Eanelder, Falore, Malleria, Voragath.
Sashnia of AB
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Re: NDA lifted

Post by Voragath »

Thanks for the vote! If you are talking CL, whoever wants to be a rep needs to put in an application. I believe they take these all the time and you have to PM Kiara. Once a year they will put out an advertisement asking for new blood. Or, we can just pick our own non-CL to be a rep. I pointed out in beta, so it's good to repeat here, that the bards for awhile (maybe still do) had this system. A CL and a non-CL both who knew a lot and had the devs' ears.

The sad thing is, to be a rep, it all comes down to time. I think that's why there were two for bards. Another problem, is that being a CL ties your hands (some, very slight, problem with why Tuli is the way he is) because you are under perma NDA so alot that you know you just can't say. I think it'd be best that we vote someone to be a non-CL mage rep. That way, they aren't bound by NDA, don't have to prostrate themselves before SOE, and can say what they want when they want. A CL will just turn our rep into a powerless yes-man. Though having another CL doesn't hurt =) (I know that sounds contradictory but it really isn't lol)
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