Question about VOA pet

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Re: Question about VOA pet

Post by bluejaye »

i've taken to using whatever EM XIV pet i have out until he dies, except for when i summon a fire pet during battle after losing a pet. i change pet types if the situation calls for a sturdier pet after a death or wipe. this means most of the time i have a water pet for the extra dps. there have been a few times the water pet died when an earth pet could have handled it, but for grinds with little chance of pet tanking i tend to go with water. molo i use air mostly, unless i need earth to take on yellow or red cons. there have been plenty of times my water pet could tank moloing. the answer to this question really comes down to how often your melee toons die, and whether you use your pet to offtank if you get multiples. if either of these things are common, go with a sturdier pet. if not, take the higher dps of the water pet. this is the first expansion i've regularly used all four pets, tho. in the past i've been an all air all the time kind of mage. air is still my fallback if i want a balance of tanking and dps.
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