Plane of war

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Plane of war

Post by Foaaniel »

Hey mage,

Any mage have any information on The Judicator and pet tanking him
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Re: Plane of war

Post by Aanelyen »

Cannot speak directly to this mob, but Alla's has this to say about the zone, and it's named..."The Plane of War is intended for full groups of players, and the nameds encountered here are meant to be taken on by 9-12 players (or more) at a time."

I would hazard a guess that the earth pet, fully buffed and kitted out, supported by that 9-12 players, should be able to tank him. One way to find out :D

EDIT: a player does say this in the comments re: the mob itself: "SPOILER: No pets. Pets really really tick him off and he will aggro the casters and kill them. Even FD will fail to get him off you. Instead, nuke/DoT. If the tank has clicky or proc pets, use those to help aggro. "
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Re: Plane of war

Post by Sirene »

Named mobs in Plane of War transfer pet aggro to their owners. If you fade (Cloak of Shadows) or FD, you get a red message: "Fight your own battles, coward!" and the mob will summon you. I imagine this is to suppress pet tanking.

Drape of Shadows is effective. I suggest using Summon Companion whenever its up, and avoid using Virulent Talon (maybe at the very end of the fight) as it will cause massive amounts of aggro on the mage. RS pets also generate massive amounts of aggro. Deaggro weapons might help as well, and block Kaficus' Spiteful Lyric on the pet (temporarily) if you are playing with a bard who uses it. And of course Silent Casting + Arcane Whisper.

I've never pet tanked this mob, or seen anyone do so, from my understanding of how pet aggro works vs the Judicator, I think it would be impossible. You can also DA the mage (if you have the means) and the mage will hold aggro through its duration.

Also, you can get NPCs to assist against the Judicator. I like to train the colossi on him (works best when he is in Rampage mode, listed under his name). He can also aggro other trash via AE. These NPCs tank the Judicator very well - but don't send in your pet if you do this, just nuke (pet will cause you to get summoned).
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