4 mages and a bard

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Re: 4 mages and a bard

Post by Summerfrost »

You can use warmarch instead since pets don't have the same stat cap like players, added attk also
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Re: 4 mages and a bard

Post by dorfillya »

IMHO- just for the few folks on this board who don't know yet: Groups with multiple mages always kick ass.

If you are a grouping mage, find the other grouping mages on your server around your level, and ALWAYS try to group with them. Very few camps that 2-3 mages can't handle. And, with drape of shadows and companion of necessity, very few camps that can't be broken down into single pulls.

You can also agrue from now till doomsday about the best pet make up in group situations. All water pets, all air, one earth and some other combination of pets, the fact is, they all work. If each mage in your group has a buffed pet up, a buffed pet pocketed, and you send out servant pets as often as you can, very few group nameds that can't be killed with mage power alone.
Last edited by dorfillya on Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 4 mages and a bard

Post by Kinsen »

Well I finally got to play yesterday and got to get a couple more runs at T2 named. Using 4 89 earth pets, casting fortify prior to engage then casting servant as often as possible and they were easy.

I did finish off the extended and hastened servant up to my level and am now working on fire core. On trash mobs I don't nuke alot it's send pet servant, malo line (to reduce Hycast resist) then one nuke and another servant and that will usually take them down.

On named after I get the second servant out it's silent casting, improved twincast then fire core then nukes. I havent got first spire yet but that's next.
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Re: 4 mages and a bard

Post by Magz »

Just a few thoughts here on OP

Do you shrink your pets at all? Assume most of us do all the time. Anyhow when earth is rooting it seems like his meele range is larger that other pet(s). Nonfact just gameplay and self assuming.. if i recall a rooted mob will attack nearest target. Note another Pet on pet ruleset. nonfact. Inside from others would be nice for op and myself. hint

On the topic of agro control. Would you looking for control/delayed or timed nuke subset from each mage. Some like RS, spear, bolt repeat.

/pause 25, /assist bard
/pause 15, /pet attack
/pause 25, /cast 2
/pause 45, /cast 3
/pause 45, /cast 4

Something like that. MinMax to the content vs your setup. This is assuming your xp camp for either regular or aaxp is similar mob type over and over. This triggering action by each mage by a keystoke then more time on chain pulling with bard. With different setup for named or burn. I personally still mash each buttom on adjust as needed, but im only doing single mage and bard.

Wonder if you can us a similar setup to AE rain softer content at greater xp rate? Somthing like t3 hot. where mulit earth pet targeting and use of pet focus to each mob. Then rain rain rain. most likely an AE pipedream of ole chardak days thousand moons ago.

Again as always sorry if i got off topic or use of too much broken english. excitement**
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Re: 4 mages and a bard

Post by Kinsen »

I'm up to 93 now with one EM IX focus and I'm getting close to finishing the T2 hunter achievement. Ive switched back to using mostly air pets and will sometimes lose one pet on named. I'm hoping to get 94 or 95 this weekend during the double exp. once I get the new earth pet I'll be ready for T3/4 named.
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Re: 4 mages and a bard

Post by Bowd »

Hi, I was wondering how the 4mage+brd is going? Thinking of doing this myself.
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Re: 4 mages and a bard

Post by Kinsen »

Hi Bowd,

Sorry for the late reply been playing mostly instead of on the boards. The 4 mages are tearing everything apart. Even in RoF so far there is only 1 named that I'm having difficulty with but I haven't tried them all yet.

Xolox the blind or however you spell it is a pain but everything else I can just do about 33% burn and save some stuff in case I get back to back named pops.
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