81 Air pet compared to 86 Air pet

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Re: 81 Air pet compared to 86 Air pet

Post by Falino-Luclin »

It really seems to be that while our nukes got a very nice upgrade in HoT, which I am happy to see, our pets really did not scale very well and could use a DPS upgrade.

I would be interested to see what the average ratios of pet, servant, and nuke DPS to total DPS is on an average parse now compared to level 85.

I've certainly noticed without parsing anything that while soloing if I nuke a mob down to 2-3% when you would normally let your pet finish it off, it takes him quite a while to do that now.
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Re: 81 Air pet compared to 86 Air pet

Post by Gnomeland »

Average mob hp in SoF (Zeka): 120,000

Average mob hp in SoD (FoS): 140,000

Average mob hp in UF (Cooling Chambers): 550,000


HoT mobs are like UF mobs, so yeah I'd say that would happen.

Devs seriously upped mob hps in UF and HoT because of players saying that mobs were dying too quickly. We basically got screwed in the process because we always depended on mobs having low hp for soloing. But other than that many classes saw giant boosts in their DPS in HoT to compensate. We weren't one of these many classes.
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Re: 81 Air pet compared to 86 Air pet

Post by Merlaina »

Some classes certainly got more of a boost than others (I was struggling to keep up with a PALADIN in fear itself the other day), but I think we still got a pretty substantial boost. Mostly in the form of spear and improved twincast. I don't have subtlety maxed, just to rk 7 or so, and I've been feeling it. I think I've been summoned or pulled aggro more in the past week than I have in the past two years. Not that that is something to brag about, but I think it does indicate a fairly substantial boost in our DPS, if only only the spell front.

I have certainly been seeing the same phenomenon as Falino, where I nuke something down to 2% and then wait 30 seconds for my pet to finish it off, especially if it's a runner. At least with those that don't run you can throw surge of shadowflare on your pet (which btw, I didn't use the previous version much, but the new one is AWESOME) and it will still die in a reasonable amount of time and you'll still have some leftover surge on your pet for the next fight.
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