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New Spells for Next Expansion:

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:17 pm
by Piemastaj
We are coming up to that time where Beta is going to be starting up and other things so the Developers want new ideas/increases for current spells ect.

I will allow discussion and everything else, if this turns into a flame fest or anything posts will be modded. This is a feedback thread, not an e-peen thread.

You can post ideas here and or send them to myself or Voragath.

Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:28 pm
by Piemastaj
I want our Thaumatize line to be increased. I also want it to be on us even if we take melee hits, that is a stupid thing to have on a huge mana boon for us.

I would have it start out where our old one left off.

Base: 275 mana a tic.
Boost I: 300 mana a tic.
Boost II: 325 mana a tic.
Boost III: 350 mana a tic.
Boost IV: 375 mana a tic.
Boost V: 400 mana a tic.

Also would like to remove the having to target our pet thing, it does not bother me personally but I know other Mage's dislike that feature.

This area is a great mana regen one for us, and it really needs to be upgraded.

Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 10:05 pm
by Voragath
Piemastaj wrote:I want our Thaumatize line to be increased. I also want it to be on us even if we take melee hits, that is a stupid thing to have on a huge mana boon for us.

I would have it start out where our old one left off.

Base: 275 mana a tic.
Boost I: 300 mana a tic.
Boost II: 325 mana a tic.
Boost III: 350 mana a tic.
Boost IV: 375 mana a tic.
Boost V: 400 mana a tic.

Also would like to remove the having to target our pet thing, it does not bother me personally but I know other Mage's dislike that feature.

This area is a great mana regen one for us, and it really needs to be upgraded.
What about the nuke component. Personally, I think it's lame and should be removed for higher boosts in mana. Mainly, because the nuke was discussed when introduced and the team back then was already saying they were pushing the limits of how much they thought the nuke should be...and it was a lame ass nuke then.

Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:59 am
by Domaa Klein
new cauldron
better food
better drink
more charges to sos clicky or same sos clicky /shrug
mask for pet
pet wep
potion that is instant click gives mana back lore item
potion that is instant click gives hp back lore item cast times on the one from old cauldron sucks.
gate door maybe make it a blanket (think in linus from charli brown)
buffalo chip (cow smurf for the joke item)
Some random crap illusion thing maybe also?

What good is the rods spells or the smurf 10 min recast ds can they keep them this time? i will look a gift horse in the mouth and tell it keep your trash in your yard.

Oh one last edit, i can't remember the last time i loaded fickle fire but got thinking about it. If you could cast more then one nuke after you get it to proc that might be nice. Say it works on the next 5 nukes in 1 min time. Can't say i would use it if it had that but i would be much more inclined to do so.

Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 8:38 am
by Shardin
here's an idea... fix the spell lines we have

most of them need dmg increase
summoned nuke is broken in many ways i am not rewritting it out again
Damage shield dmg has gone up like 5% every xpac, meanwhile mob hp go up like 100% every xpac??? splain that? Increase in dps of spells should be at the very least proportional to increase in mob hp.. this includes pet weapons.. they need a huge bump, they should be procing 5k at least.. pet dps has the same problem as well
make a spell that gives your main pet all your swarm pet dps powers

i think spells should only be abilities we use constantly like nukes.. the rest should be aa'ed

one of the cauldron summoned things could be summon mount that has some very magician related graphic like an earth pet you can ride or something.. or just a spell that summons a mount... class specific mounts sound like a good unrelated idea

cross zone call of hero!!!!!!!!!!!

some kind of pet controls for swarm pets.. e.g., have a pet button that turns on a thing that gives swarm pets we cast infinite hate on our main pet's target

Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:04 pm
by Piemastaj
Personally, I like the fact that we nuke the mob and gain mana back from it. I think it is pretty unique and would like to see it stay. However, if we can get the numbers I posted boosted by removing the nuke portion I would not be opposed to that. IMHO, the only thing that has to change is the stupid thing where if u get hit by melee you lose the recourse. I understand why its there, it just seems very lame with how solid the spell is mana-wise.

I think we need to continue our efforts to get Strike back its 4 nukes. It can not hurt to bring it up in Beta.

A guildie of mine brought this idea up. Possibly get an aura that gives back mana as your cast spells. Similar to Mana Reiterate, but instead of DMGing the mob it gives back a set amount of mana per cast. It would be an Aura so it would increase our wantability at the raid end, it would also help solve mana issues for more then just our class. I am unsure if it will be allowed in, but it can have a lot of upside.

I would like a Spell Rune. Similar to the one Enchanters get. It would help us out when soloing/moloing more then anything.

New pet aura. Burnout currently increases our regular pet more then our Aura. I would like to make our new Aura around 25%, it would boost our swarm up quite nicely.

A rune that gets cast on us. When it takes the appropriate amount of DMG it falls off and gives us back mana. This would work on our Mod Rods, AEs, and possibly melee DMG. Simple way to get us back mana.

Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:31 pm
by Voragath
I've already asked Aristo and Eli to move the 10 min damage shield to an AA. Aristo doesn't like it being a spell.

DS's count as our DPS so they need an overhaul. Our fire DS needs something to replace the fire resists. Maybe a proc to go along with it? Something like the pyro line does? /shrug

Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:36 pm
by Voragath
Piemastaj wrote:
I think we need to continue our efforts to get Strike back its 4 nukes. It can not hurt to bring it up in Beta.
As much as I'd love to get strike it's 4 nukes back, it's not going to happen. After the march patch, I tried to get Aristo to give us our 4 nukes back as a raid mob only deal. His response was no and he explained why we aren't ever getting those nukes back.

It's not totally Aristo's decision to remove those nukes. There are other reasons for removing those nukes (not related to mage power). Because of those reasons, we just can't get them back, even if Aristo wants to.

Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 3:15 am
by Nylrem01
Fickle is terrible because it is low dps compared to our other options, and it's proc effect does not align well with our weave. We will usually either be casting a RS pet or possibly Burning Sands after flames of power effect happens, and neither are good spells for the proc. We could use the good proc to be changed to a set amount added to the next damaging spell, or make it as good of dps as bolt.

DSs... just make me sad. Their dps is deplorable, they need HUGE upgrades to make them worthwhile. Think it was Pie that said the Thaumatize line should go back to viral, to make it effective. Right now, they are mostly a waste unless against a totally resistant mob, or one we can't nuke for whatever reason.

We also don't need 2 beams, a PBAE, and a splash imo. 1 beam was fine, for trash/TS farming.

Chaotic Assistance could use a large increase to proc percentage, and would be great to get taken off aura buff slot.

Could we finally get the guardian line changed from same line as druid skin? How about making it the same buff slot as ranger predator or whatever line? :) That would certainly help with our sustained mana regen issues as well. Wizard self regen stacks with dru skin... why cant ours?

Promised and direct pet heals need to be brought in line, they are laughable right now. I know we aren't supposed to be healing like clerics, but ugh...

Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:22 pm
by deadman1204
A buff that gives us 5% of pet dmg in mana - so every swing gain some mana while it's active.
Assuming that it cannot be up continually