AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Anything relating to the magical arts (pets, spells, AAs).
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Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Post by Gnomeland »

svenalo wrote: Given your definition, especially the part I bolded, I concede the point. I don't know, however, if the devs ever wanted us able to take on all the stuff we were able to go solo in SoD/SoF or if that was an unintended (but pleasant for us) side effect of the pet power boosts we got.
I don't remember exactly how it happened but I think it was the result of SOF Beta mages really calling the devs to task when they gave us crappy pets that couldn't even tank light blues. I don't know how Mindrix, Kozvar, etc. got it done but they did and that gave our class a much needed boost at a critical time. I'm hoping for something similar in the next expansion but who knows what'll happen this time around. Honestly I'm probably going to base my subscription choice on whether HoT is like a new SoF or a new UF. Is it light at the end of the tunnel, or just a dead end? I don't know but I guess we'll find out.
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Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Post by Calebe »

Please no pet explosions that is not the direction we want to go which implies expendable pets. Now if the explosion happens because they die, then ya I like that concept the pet goes out with a bank and may win the day for you if it dies. A huge difference to an aa to make it explode compared to exploding as it dies to a mob. My biggest fear is aa's that make our pet become expendable, as in not needed, as in we don't care if they live or die. No we spend to much time and aa's in making the pet stronger, meaner, more dps, not in making it explode and die.

Remember the original FBO was suppose to cause the pet to die at the end and do a whopping 1000 damage? How many of us would ever use it if it did that? Even when we got it our bolt did 1014 more then the explosion they couldn't make happen. We never would have used it. Exploding our pets on purpose=bad. If they die and explode=good. So I suggest that minor correction.

An aa to give a DI to our pets if they can make that work woudl be a great aa. Lets hope Sklug can make that work.

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Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Post by Merlaina »

Hmmm, talking about "on pet death" effects, an AA I would like is one that when your pet dies it casts a PBAE 6-8 second stun centered on the pets location, similar to the enchanter polychromatic rune line. It would give us a chance to recover from a sudden pet death (which is usually followed by our own about 10 seconds later). It could be either a passive AA (only give it a chance of happening) or a short-ish duration buff (maybe 5 minutes) that is guaranteed to go off. Stun up to the same level as the air pet stun, -50 resist modifier. I could dig it. Would be great to throw on your pet before engaging a named of questionable difficulty, or if you see a fight might be going south you toss it on the pet real fast.
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Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Post by qibrme »

Merlaina wrote:Hmmm, talking about "on pet death" effects, an AA I would like is one that when your pet dies it casts a PBAE 6-8 second stun centered on the pets location, similar to the enchanter polychromatic rune line. It would give us a chance to recover from a sudden pet death (which is usually followed by our own about 10 seconds later). It could be either a passive AA (only give it a chance of happening) or a short-ish duration buff (maybe 5 minutes) that is guaranteed to go off. Stun up to the same level as the air pet stun, -50 resist modifier. I could dig it. Would be great to throw on your pet before engaging a named of questionable difficulty, or if you see a fight might be going south you toss it on the pet real fast.

LOL nice wish, but if the Dev's would even entertain something like the AOE Stun/Bomb on pet death, ENC's will love us, can you say banned pets on raids?
Why not just ask for an auto DRAPE or pet morph into CON if killed. :D
Sounds great to me, but ya might want to duck when all the other classes go nuts :lol:

But with all kidding aside, I am not a fan of any spell or ability that i do not have absolute control over, and automatic AOE's would fit that bill.
The exploding/stun death pets would make them solo only IMO, and I would not support giving up even one of our pets to becoming a solo only utility.

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Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Post by Redius »

How bout this for a new aa; have an AA designed to let our swarm pets (most importantly RS pet) get bard songs (and clickies etc) from our group.
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Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Post by Calebe »

Sued my idea is if the pet dies it goes out with a bang, not an AOE but on the mob it is attacking. If the mob is hitting the pet and is on the pet hate list it exploding to damage it as the pet dies will not cause an issue. If the mob is mes'd then the pet can't attack it or be on it's aggro. This is a win/win but I agree nothing AOE as that is bad. Now a pet drape as it dies to drop aggro on the mage because the pet died would be something I would like.

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