Mindrix wrote: There's a very good chance (at least 50/50) this is the last EQ expansion.
There is a 50/50 chance it's the last one I'll buy, no matter what. From what I've been hearing (as I wasn't in beta) this expansion won't be too "casual-friendly".
I don't live online like some people. I log in at designated raid times, raid, log back off. I rarely have time to find a group, unless it's a prearranged time already set up with friends beforehand (which is how I got most of Void E flagging done).
Fact: There are no pickup groups on my server. You won't find more than 5 people in the LFG window 99% of the time.
Fact: While UF sounds like a great challenge to all the end game raiding guilds, it won't be touched by those of us still struggling with SoD and not even close to Tower.
Assumption: If the group content is as hard as I'm hearing, it also won't be of much use to me. I might play in UF 1 night a week for 3 hours if I'm lucky. I can't just grab a couple friends + 3 mercs to make a group. I'll need a real tank (not my pet or a merc), a real puller/cc, and probably a good healer and not just the cleric merc.
Conclusion: I'll never finish UF group content, nor will I touch UF raid content. Other than AA's and tradeskills, I'm not really excited about much of this expansion.
I just got my last T5 essence last week to "finish" my SoD visable armor. I still have several T4 non-visable slots. So in a way, there are still quite a few SoD T5 missions and items I could upgrade with. Does that sound like someone who is going to fly though UF?
I hope I'm wrong, I'll find out soon enough.
One other issue, even to this day we have peole who are not Void E flagged. Just like we had people who weren't Crystallos flagged. We try and try and run guild nights to do nothing but work on flagging, and we still have some who don't ever get done no matter how many times we run it. They log in to get a group, find out they can't enter the zone to join us, log back out.
I say this because while having ONE zone locked off to people wasn't too much, this expansion has multiple zones and tiers of zones locked off to people who haven't done the earlier content yet.
I predict there will be a huge number of those who fall behind the curve, aren't flagged, and will have an even harder time finding groups because those who are flagged will be busy doing T8/T9 zones. The playerbase will become divided. Much like PoP where the people would go xp in PoFire who could, while most couldn't enter the zone.