Named and trash spells

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Named and trash spells

Post by Felinya »

Hi Everyone,

I REALLY don't play my mage to a fraction of her capabilities since I'm not very good at botting. I usually play my nec as the primary and just sit the mage there to soak exp since the nec is max aa's. For trash I root rot stuff as I go (in tight quarters) and I like to maximize the exp to the mage so no pet tanking here. This info serves no purpose other than to tell you how I play I guess. Am I really missing out on a considerable amount of exp? I generally do this because it's easy and I don't think about anything. It's not the best exp but I can get 60 aa's on the mage during a lesson burn since her aa count is at 1750.

For names....

I use the earth pet to tank in RoF (don't have CotF) Tier 4. My dps is coming from my nec since I know it well and I'm not really good at focusing on two computers. I know the mage can destroy my nec in short bursts but I'll be damned if I know how to do it. What I do now is just send in the earth pet and the lvl 100 servant and toss in a nuke here and there (what I mean by here and there is that I literally cast roughly 6 nukes a fight /shame I know) when I'm waiting on spell gems to refresh on nec. I read the multibinding thread so I'm going to bind a key on the number pad so I can just mash it. I would like to have a couple so I can blow up these names a lot quicker. Do you have any suggestions on a key to trigger the aa's needed for burns and then what spells I should have multibound on my key pad?

I'm so freakin inefficient that it's embarrassing to admit here but I want to improve my game play so I come here asking the experts.
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Re: Named and trash spells

Post by Enkel »

A nice hotkey for activated AA, for burn, would be: /alt act 621, /alt act, 1370, /alt act 774, /alt act 500, /alt act 515. That includes (in order) fire core, first spire of the elements, empowered focus of arcanum, silent casting, and improved twincast.

The spells you will want to be using, while boxing, would be RS>Rain>Rain>Spear if you don't summon enough pets for the named fight (host of the elements or Cloth Cap are nice to get a lot of pets out quick), or RS>Salvo>Rain>Rain, if you get the pets out to max salvo dps. If you have it, on either necro or mage, you can use Vicious Rabbit click from loyalty vendor. You can drop RS, then cast force rejuv. on the magician, then cast another RS, before activating your hotkey, or don't, like I do, put improved twincast (/alt act 515) on your hotkey, but on a separate key. Sometimes its not worth the trouble to use salvo, so you can stick to the other weave if you'd rather focus on the necro.
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Re: Named and trash spells

Post by bluejaye »

silent casting has a cast time, so you'll want to put it after improved twincast. itc is instant right?
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Re: Named and trash spells

Post by Fleiss »

I would recommend NOT putting silent casting in any burn hotkey AFTER you have started timer on your other burn effects. You essentially lose one spell being modified. Aggro is generated off base damage of the spell, so other than TC, nothing in your burn adds additional aggro. Pre fight cast it, or right before you are going into burn. If you must have it in your burn hotkey, do it first line. You may think oh no more aggro, but see above, if your TCs are down you are generating the same amount of aggro in burn and out.
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Re: Named and trash spells

Post by Felinya »

Thank you everyone for the advice! I will work on getting my weave keys set.
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Re: Named and trash spells

Post by Felinya »

I forgot to ask about Cloth Cap and Vicious Rabbit... What do they do? I can look up Rabbit on the loyalty vendor when I'm in game but not sure what Cloth Cap is?

Are there any other clickies I'm not familiar with that I should be? I feel like such a noob.
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Re: Named and trash spells

Post by Sillaen »

Felinya wrote:I forgot to ask about Cloth Cap and Vicious Rabbit... What do they do? I can look up Rabbit on the loyalty vendor when I'm in game but not sure what Cloth Cap is?

Are there any other clickies I'm not familiar with that I should be? I feel like such a noob.
Cloth cap was from an anniversary task/hail can't remember which, but it gives you a few small SoR like pets (5 I believe) on your target. They don't do much of any dmg and 1 hit kills em, but they are good for making up numbers when you are casting the "Of many" line if you don't have enough pets.

I have not found a use for vicious rabbit. Be careful when you cast it, it used to block out and cut into your time to cast RS. I haven't tested it in a long time so don't know if it has changed.
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